This Week In Marketing: TikTok Launches New Marketing Education Initiative and more

TikTok’s launching a new educational initiative to help marketers better understand and utilize the various platform features to reach and engage the TikTok audience.

What do businesses need to know?

The Creative Agency Partnerships (CAP) University program will take agency partners and freelance creatives through all aspects of effective TikTok creation.

According to TikTok, “CAP University allows enrollees to join the courses they want, customize their learning curriculum based on their unique areas of growth, and even attend live office hours with TikTok's CAP team to further their knowledge and gain an in-depth understand of the creative possibilities on and off the platform.”

A few concepts CAP plans to cover includes: ‘TikTok: From Briefing to Pitching,’ ‘Concepting & Creating for TikTok,’ ‘Trends and Music Licensing,’ and more.

You can download the full guide here.

In other news…

NFTs are coming to Facebook and Instagram whether you like them or not as Meta has been reported to be seemingly close to establishing its own NFT (non-fungible token) ecosystem, which follow Twitter’s move to incorporate NFT profile pictures.

According to Social Media Today, Meta plans to launch a pilot for posting and sharing NFTs on Facebook in mid-May. This will be “quickly followed” by testing of a feature that will allow membership of Facebook groups based on NFT ownership and another for minting - a term for creating - NFT.

For those who do not know, NFT stands for non-fungible token which basically means that it’s unique and can’t be replaced with something else (think of it like a one-of-a-kind trading card).

NFTs can be anything digital - drawings, music, etc. - but most of the excitement is derived out of selling and collecting digital art pieces. You can read the full recap about NFTs and their importance on The Verge.

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