You Probably Don’t Know Who Your Audience Is. Here’s How To Find Out.
The first step in any effective marketing campaign is knowing your ideal customer. While many new business owners think of their ideal customer demographically (i.e., age and gender), many do not have a deep understanding of who their customer is psychologically (i.e., interests and desires). Thus, making it challenging to find and target them through marketing.
It is important to identify who your ideal customer is. This way, your content marketing (i.e. social media posts and emails newsletter) resonates with who is seeing it. If you do not know who your ideal customer or client is, you will always find it challenging to make sales and even grow your business. Below are a few tips for finding your ideal customer.
Tip 1: Form a detailed description of your target customer; this is also known as a buyer persona. A buyer persona is a fictional person who embodies the characteristics of your ideal customer.
Tip 2: To help build a strong buyer person, conduct market research from your customer base through surveys and interviews.
Tip 3: Conduct the surveys and interview questions via Zoom or in-person meetings. It’s important to analyze the non-verbal cues when speaking with your customers.
Tip 4: The goal of this market research is to deeply understand how and why your customers make certain buying decisions. Use findings will help you create detailed content and messaging that appeals to your target audience.
Tip 5: Use the details messaging to create social media content, emails newsletters, and even brand images.
If you need more help, finding and speaking to your ideal customer contact us here.